Fostering collaboration and trust amongst Our Partners
Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program (DSRIP)
We successfully led the implementation of the very complex DSRIP Program. The program improved the design and delivery of healthcare for the Medicaid population by reducing avoidable hospitalization and improving population health, while lowering the cost of healthcare.
There are several critical success factors to this achievement including the establishment of a central backbone organization, comprised of experienced healthcare and community staff and subject matter experts who assembled the provider network in the 13-county region and drove network performance to deliver on the goals of the DSRIP program. Together with our Partner network, we achieved:
Patients Engaged
A key component to leading a 5-year, $530 million dollar healthcare delivery system transformation project across 13 counties was the development of trusting relationships with each of the Partners. At the onset of DSRIP, many Partners operated in their own silo and did not collaborate on a regular and routine basis. We built trusting relationships with and among individual Partners to lay the foundation for a network that would come together around aligned goals and implement a ground-breaking project.
Our DSRIP award was the second largest dollar value across the entire state due to the impressive scope and scale of our DSRIP application and region-wide impact. Our timeline/launch projections were incredibly aggressive, along with a solid implementation plan that spanned the entire FLPPS geography. Our project management skills enabled the achievement of 99% of the dollars awarded in connection with patient engagement and project milestone achievement.
We fostered a sense of collaboration and trust amongst the Partners by convening over 25 stakeholder groups that participated in the implementation of the DSRIP program. The stakeholder groups represented a diverse set of individuals with different roles and backgrounds. Our reputation as a trusted partner was built based on an approach that focused on community collaboration. In managing the network relationships, we regarded each individual participant with respect and convened the stakeholder groups with transparency and accountability.
The collective efforts of Performance Provider Systems across New York State yielded impressive results on hospitalization utilization.
Potentially Preventable Admissions (PPA)
Potentially Preventable Re-admissions (PPR)
Per-Member Per-Year Preventable Costs
($500M + through MY4)
Regional Impact
Over the course of the DSRIP program, our partnership network improved performance in nearly 40 clinical outcome measures across the region, with significant achievements in domains including behavioral health, maternal and child health, and care management.
Understanding that Population Health improvement requires cohesive participation by all Partners, we focused on a region-wide approach to clinical outcome improvement.
Through redesigned workflows, implementation of best practices, and achievement of performance deliverables, overseen by partner projects teams, regional NOCNs, and a region-wide Clinical Quality Committee, we led network-wide patient engagement and improvement in key clinical outcomes and reductions in hospital utilization across the Finger Lakes region.
We achieved improvement in population health outcomes through innovative programs, approaches and region-wide collaborations:
Keeping Care Local
With a region of over 10,000 square miles, we were the largest, most geographically diverse PPS in NY State with both urban and rural areas.
To effectively improve care delivery, we divided our large region into sub-regions representing local care patterns. These subregions became our Naturally Occurring Care Networks (NOCN) which include Finger Lakes, Monroe, Southeastern, Southern and Western. Each NOCN represents the full continuum of care and was led by a workgroup of healthcare and community-based leadership within a shared geographic service area. The NOCN workgroups successfully operationalized DSRIP projects.

2nd Largest
Performing Provider System
Square Miles
1 of 25
Performing Provider System Organizations across NYS
Network of integrated healthcare systems, hospitals, Federally Qualified Health Centers, and community-based organizations
“I am excited to see ‘equity in action’ through this partnership with FLPPS, who recognizes the importance of lived experience and elevating the parent and patient voice to bring change across our health and behavioral health systems.”
“The Finger Lakes IPA, a partnership of the region’s community health centers, six behavioral health organizations, and the S2AY Rural Health Network, is very excited to be a part of this important initiative by FLPPS to support the critical need for access to developmental screenings for young children in our rural communities. This program will give us the ability to provide access to services that are often not available due to geographic and other barriers to care experienced by our patients.”
“By expanding our Person In Crisis teams to include certified peer specialists, we will be able to assist even more of our residents in need in a humane and compassionate manner. In addition, by assisting residents in this new way, we are expecting that there will be a reduced number of people calling the PIC team because they are getting connected to the services they need.”
“For decades Regional Health Reach has been a leader in the community in providing healthcare and support services to those experiencing homelessness. Through our traditional clinic, mobile medical unit, and presence at shelters, our Healthcare for the Homeless program has touched thousands of lives. Health Reach is excited to partner with Finger Lakes Performing Provider System and MC Collaborative to expand our reach to unsheltered individuals, meeting them where they are, to provide the care they need.”
“The key to the success of this menu of services is our ability to have a two-way dialogue with doctors and other medical professionals about both health and social support needs at home. We’ve proven this model can improve patient outcomes and reduce unnecessary ED visits and hospitalizations, and that’s a win for everyone. It also reduces both physician and patient/family caregiver frustrations.”