Finger Lakes Performing Provider System (FLPPS) has established a Corporate Compliance Program
that takes a comprehensive, organizational approach.

FLPPS is committed to its mission and values, while fulfilling its legal duties and creating a culture of ethical behavior that promotes prevention, detection, and resolution of conduct that does not conform to laws, regulations, payor requirements or FLPPS principles.
The FLPPS Code of Conduct is applicable to the entire FLPPS community, including its contractors working in risk areas, reflecting FLPPS commitment to, among other things: coordination and improvement of care particularly for vulnerable populations; improvement of healthcare and health outcomes in the FLPPS region; gaining the trust and confidence of FLPPS community and its partners; high standards and ethical behavior; integrity; avoiding conflicts of interest; records which are accurate, timely and in compliance with regulatory requirements; confidentiality and protecting privacy rights; safeguarding FLPPS assets; and reporting issues and asking questions. The FLPPS Code of Conduct can be found here.
The FLPPS Corporate Compliance Program encompasses the key elements that have been specified as requirements for compliance programs. FLPPS Board of Directors and Administration are vested in the implementation, enforcement, and oversight of the Program.
For more information, contact the FLPPS Compliance Officer, Anne Passalugo, at [email protected]. You can also call our anonymous Compliance Hotline at +1 833-209-1969.