Strategic Consulting

We provide strategic consulting services that can include facilitating strategic planning sessions, project management, data analytics and benchmarking, independent provider association (IPA) subject matter expertise, and general administrative support.

FLPPS has collaborated on many strategic initiatives across the region. 

FLPPS Community Based Organization Value Based Payment Readiness Program

This program engaged twelve high impact community based organizations who provide food, clothing, emergency housing, and homeless prevention services. Each of these organizations serve more than 2,500 individuals per year. Six of these agencies were in the city of Rochester and six were in the FLPPS rural counties.

We co-developed this with the United Way and modeled it after the “Get Set” program with the goal of guiding these community-based organizations through the infrastructure building process over an 18-month time:

  • Organizational Assessment
  • Gap Analysis
  • Performance Improvement Strategy and Implementation plan
  • Value-proposition statement

We utilized organizational development consultants to work with partners one on one. We provided educational workshops and leveraged our expertise in facilitation, system transformation, and value-driven solutions to support partners in the development of their value proposition statements.

Finger Lakes Independent Provider Association

We supported Finger Lakes Independent Provider Association’s (FLIPA) strategic planning process to guide its evolution into a high-performing IPA. Using a collaborative approach provided a solid structure for active and meaningful participation by FLIPA leadership, committees, and Board members. We facilitated Board workshops that examined the current state of the IPA and outlined FLIPA’s strategic opportunities and value proposition to its member organizations, patients, and payors/contractors. FLIPA was provided a strategic planning roadmap and comprehensive implementation plan with goals and objectives in priority areas to drive the infrastructure required to create and sustain a highly functional IPA.

Your Health Partners of the Finger Lakes BHCC/IPA

We facilitated the strategic planning process for Your Health Partners of the Finger Lakes (YHPFL) BHCC/IPA. Using a collaborative approach, the team evaluated the state of the IPA through a SWOT exercise and extensive member surveys that probed the value of the IPA to member partners. Desired state scenarios were informed by benchmarking and our subject matter expertise on the potential role of IPAs and BHCCs in the 1115 Waiver. These discussions helped inform the goals and objectives of the strategic plan.

Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse

We are currently facilitating the strategic planning process for Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse (GCASA) and are using a similar collaborative process that will inform the goals and objectives of the agency’s strategic plan. A strategic planning framework has been designed and agreed upon by GCASA leadership and its Board members. The team reflected on GCASA through a SWOT exercise and examination of all programs and services the agency provides to its clients. Next up is reviewing the future and desired state for GCASA to help define the objectives and initiatives for the strategic plan. We are providing facilitation, project management, and IPA subject matter expertise to support the development of a strategic plan.

“By expanding our Person In Crisis teams to include certified peer specialists, we will be able to assist even more of our residents in need in a humane and compassionate manner. In addition, by assisting residents in this new way, we are expecting that there will be a reduced number of people calling the PIC team because they are getting connected to the services they need.”

Former City of Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren

“The Finger Lakes IPA, a partnership of the region’s community health centers, six behavioral health organizations, and the S2AY Rural Health Network, is very excited to be a part of this important initiative by FLPPS to support the critical need for access to developmental screenings for young children in our rural communities. This program will give us the ability to provide access to services that are often not available due to geographic and other barriers to care experienced by our patients.”

Mary Zelazny, Chair of Finger Lakes IPA and CEO of Finger Lakes Community Health

“The key to the success of this menu of services is our ability to have a two-way dialogue with doctors and other medical professionals about both health and social support needs at home. We’ve proven this model can improve patient outcomes and reduce unnecessary ED visits and hospitalizations, and that’s a win for everyone. It also reduces both physician and patient/family caregiver frustrations.”

Ann Marie Cook, President and CEO of Lifespan

“For decades Regional Health Reach has been a leader in the community in providing healthcare and support services to those experiencing homelessness. Through our traditional clinic, mobile medical unit, and presence at shelters, our Healthcare for the Homeless program has touched thousands of lives. Health Reach is excited to partner with Finger Lakes Performing Provider System and MC Collaborative to expand our reach to unsheltered individuals, meeting them where they are, to provide the care they need.”

William E. Belecz, Executive Director of Regional Health Reach

“I am excited to see ‘equity in action’ through this partnership with FLPPS, who recognizes the importance of lived experience and elevating the parent and patient voice to bring change across our health and behavioral health systems.”

Sara Taylor, Founder of BIPOC PEEEEEEK