

We are redesigning Medicaid Healthcare Delivery in the Finger Lakes Region through our collaborative relationships with partners.


December 2024

Join us as we reflect on our past year at FLPPS!

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November 2024

FLPPS’s November highlights include a new SUD and COVID-19 support program tailored for Latina residents, a keynote by CEO Carol Tegas on workforce retention, a tribute to veterans, an upcoming equity symposium for women of color, and new job openings.

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October 2024

FLPPS kicks off this chilly October with the Housing Search Navigator & After Care Program. Additionally, we are proud to announce the GRHHN Two-Year Redesignation! Learn more about these exciting topics, as well as a WIO presentation about the CPT, funding opportunities, and more!

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August 2024

August was a busy month! Read about the Street Medicine Program, the Huther’s Hope Backpack Medicine Program, the Careers Pathway Training program, and much more.

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News & Press Releases

Community Action for Wyoming Access to Healthcare Program

August 22, 2022|

Finger Lakes Performing Provider System (FLPPS) is collaborating with Community Action for Wyoming (Community Action) to improve healthcare access for vulnerable and underserved individuals in the region. Community Action will establish a telehealth hub at its location in Perry, NY, and its Care Coordinators will engage individuals and connect them to primary care and behavioral health services. Continue Reading Community Action for Wyoming Access to Healthcare Program

Making Medicaid More Accessible and Equitable: UHF’s Annual Medicaid Conference

August 16, 2022|

Following Mr. Bassiri’s keynote, a panel of representatives from Rochester-area health and community organizations discussed ways to improve Medicaid through regional health planning. Wade Norwood, Chief Executive Officer, Common Ground Health; Ann Marie Cook, Executive Director at Lifespan; Laura Gustin, Executive Director at Systems Integration Project; and Carol Tegas, Executive Director at Finger Lakes Performing Provider System agreed on the importance of regional collaborations to address community needs bridging the silos between organizations and domains. Continue Reading Making Medicaid More Accessible and Equitable: UHF’s Annual Medicaid Conference

Increasing Access to Healthcare for Vulnerable People in Steuben & Livingston Counties

August 3, 2022|

Finger Lakes Performing Provider System (FLPPS) is collaborating with Catholic Charities of Steuben / Livingston to improve healthcare access in those counties. Catholic Charities of Steuben / Livingston will expand its outreach and use a mobile van to provide telehealth services and social determinants of health screenings. Continue Reading Increasing Access to Healthcare for Vulnerable People in Steuben & Livingston Counties

Food Delivery Programs Address Food Insecurity in Rural and Urban Areas

April 25, 2022|

FLPPS is partnering with two regional foodbanks and non-profit agencies to address food insecurity and maternal health needs in the Finger Lakes region. Food insecurity is a social determinant of health and a driving force of health inequities. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the crisis of food insecurity, disproportionally affecting women and racial and ethnic minorities. Continue Reading Food Delivery Programs Address Food Insecurity in Rural and Urban Areas

Collaboration Will Assist Homeless Individuals with “Boots on the Ground” Medical and Behavioral Health Care

April 14, 2022|

FLPPS is collaborating with Huther Doyle (an addiction treatment organization) and Regional Health Reach (a federally qualified health center serving homeless individuals) to provide medical, dental, and behavioral health care to the unsheltered homeless in the City of Rochester. Continue Reading Collaboration Will Assist Homeless Individuals with “Boots on the Ground” Medical and Behavioral Health Care

Increasing Access to Healthcare for Vulnerable People in Steuben & Livingston Counties

August 3, 2022|

Finger Lakes Performing Provider System (FLPPS) is collaborating with Catholic Charities of Steuben / Livingston to improve healthcare access in those counties. Catholic Charities of Steuben / Livingston will expand its outreach and use a mobile van to provide telehealth services and social determinants of health screenings. Continue Reading Increasing Access to Healthcare for Vulnerable People in Steuben & Livingston Counties

Food Delivery Programs Address Food Insecurity in Rural and Urban Areas

April 25, 2022|

FLPPS is partnering with two regional foodbanks and non-profit agencies to address food insecurity and maternal health needs in the Finger Lakes region. Food insecurity is a social determinant of health and a driving force of health inequities. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the crisis of food insecurity, disproportionally affecting women and racial and ethnic minorities. Continue Reading Food Delivery Programs Address Food Insecurity in Rural and Urban Areas

Collaboration Will Assist Homeless Individuals with “Boots on the Ground” Medical and Behavioral Health Care

April 14, 2022|

FLPPS is collaborating with Huther Doyle (an addiction treatment organization) and Regional Health Reach (a federally qualified health center serving homeless individuals) to provide medical, dental, and behavioral health care to the unsheltered homeless in the City of Rochester. Continue Reading Collaboration Will Assist Homeless Individuals with “Boots on the Ground” Medical and Behavioral Health Care

“For decades Regional Health Reach has been a leader in the community in providing healthcare and support services to those experiencing homelessness. Through our traditional clinic, mobile medical unit, and presence at shelters, our Healthcare for the Homeless program has touched thousands of lives. Health Reach is excited to partner with Finger Lakes Performing Provider System and MC Collaborative to expand our reach to unsheltered individuals, meeting them where they are, to provide the care they need.”

William E. Belecz, Executive Director of Regional Health Reach

“The key to the success of this menu of services is our ability to have a two-way dialogue with doctors and other medical professionals about both health and social support needs at home. We’ve proven this model can improve patient outcomes and reduce unnecessary ED visits and hospitalizations, and that’s a win for everyone. It also reduces both physician and patient/family caregiver frustrations.”

Ann Marie Cook, President and CEO of Lifespan

“I am excited to see ‘equity in action’ through this partnership with FLPPS, who recognizes the importance of lived experience and elevating the parent and patient voice to bring change across our health and behavioral health systems.”

Sara Taylor, Founder of BIPOC PEEEEEEK

“By expanding our Person In Crisis teams to include certified peer specialists, we will be able to assist even more of our residents in need in a humane and compassionate manner. In addition, by assisting residents in this new way, we are expecting that there will be a reduced number of people calling the PIC team because they are getting connected to the services they need.”

Former City of Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren

“The Finger Lakes IPA, a partnership of the region’s community health centers, six behavioral health organizations, and the S2AY Rural Health Network, is very excited to be a part of this important initiative by FLPPS to support the critical need for access to developmental screenings for young children in our rural communities. This program will give us the ability to provide access to services that are often not available due to geographic and other barriers to care experienced by our patients.”

Mary Zelazny, Chair of Finger Lakes IPA and CEO of Finger Lakes Community Health
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